Hi guys ; i need to know one information:
I have mounted on my TTS stage 2+ the turbine loba LO400.
On the dyno test i have run only 351 Hp and 522 Nm (see attacched photo)
for have this power i have this pressure turbo:
turbo pressure Peak : 2 bar
turbo pressure at 6.000 rpm : 1.45 bar
turbo pressure at 7.2000 (limiter) : 1.25 bar
I ask those who have this turbo if you can tell me if it turns more 'or less in these pressure or if pressure turns to more' high and has 400 hp rolled those that sell this turbine
I repeat my car is a stage 2+ with this upgrade : exhaust complete ; big intercooler ; WG forge ; induction kit with cone ; Autotech fuel pump.
thanks in advice and sorry for my bad english